The Grove Community School Open House

Wednesday, January 20, 2025 6pm to 8:00 pm 108 Gladstone Avenue

Come learn about The Grove’s core values and what our school is all about. Meet our community of teachers, parents, caregivers & students.

Virtual option will be available please check back for an update.

Application Process

The info you need

Application Process

Admission to the Grove Community School is determined by a lottery system that is handled centrally by the TDSB.  To enter the lottery, you must apply via a universal online application form for all TDSB elementary alternative schools.  

More information about the application process can be found on the Elementary Alternative Schools Application and Admissions webpage.

Equity Priority Admissions:

  1. Indigenous Applicants
  2. Siblings of Existing Enrolled Students at the School
  3. Self-Identified Underrepresented Groups
  4. General Pool of Applicants

Important Dates:

  • Monday, January 6, 2025 Online applications open at 9:00 am.
  • Wednesday, January 29, 2025 Online applications close at 4:00 pm. Applications will not be accepted after the deadline.
  • Friday, February 21, 2025 Placement Offers, Round 1.
  • Wednesday, February 26, 2025 acceptance must be confirmed by 4:00 pm. If you do not accept or decline the offer of placement on or before the February 26, 2025 deadline, the offer will be automatically declined. The child will attend their designated school by home address.
  • Thursday, February 27, 2025 Families to be updated on the status of their applications.  All waitlists expire. No additional offers will be made.
  • Tuesday, March 4, 2025 Offers must be confirmed by 4:00 pm. If you do not accept or decline the offer of placement on or before the March 4, 2025 deadline, the offer will be automatically declined. The child will attend their designated school by home address.


Visit the Frequently Asked Questions page


A note on accessibility: The Grove Community School is located on the third floor of Alexander Muir/Gladstone School with multiple steps to enter the building and get up to our floor.  It is therefore unfortunately not accessible to those with mobility issues.

Where we are

Inside the AMG building!

108 Gladstone Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada M6J 3L2

During the AM: (416) 393-9150